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Serving Northwest Illinois Since 1974
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BoMar Heating & Cooling is qualified to handle your Trane AC repair in Rockford IL.
BoMar Heating & Cooling, ready to service your Air conditioner in Rockford IL

Air Distribution System Design

Good Duct Design Increases Efficiency

This Air Distribution System Design: Good Duct Design Increases Efficiency (PDF) fact sheet explains how good duct design increases the efficiency of air distribution systems for central heating and cooling. The air distribution system may reach an efficiency of 80 percent or more for little or no additional cost, resulting in homeowner savings of $50 to $200 or more each year in heating and cooling costs. The fact sheet describes duct design objectives, types of supply duct systems (such as trunk and branch, spider, radial and perimeter loop systems) as well as return duct systems (including multiple-room return and central return systems), duct materials and duct and register locations. It also provides duct design methods, design recommendations, and key design elements.

U.S. Department of Energy - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

Contact Information
Address:  444 Meadows Drive
Freeport IL, 61032
Phone:     815.233.1622
Fax:          (815) 599-0922