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BoMar Heating & Cooling, ready to service your Air conditioner in Rockford IL
BoMar Heating & Cooling is qualified to handle your Trane AC repair in Rockford IL.
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Serving Northwest Illinois Since 1974
Trust our techs to service your Rockford IL in Poplar Grove IL
BoMar Heating & Cooling is qualified to handle your Trane AC repair in Rockford IL.
BoMar Heating & Cooling, ready to service your Air conditioner in Rockford IL

Surge Suppressors

Surge Suppressors

Safeguard your equipment

With electrical power at a premium during the sticky summer months, utility companies often lower their output of power. This is normally called a brown out. A brown out or reduction in power can do irreparable damage to your appliances, especially your air conditioner. All appliances are designed to work with a certain amount of power. If that power level is dropped, your appliances will continue to function, but they will be forced to work under duress.

A lightning strike to your home can damage or destroy all of your electrical appliances. With a lightning arrestor installed in your breaker box, you can protect all of your electrical appliances including your air conditioner, computer, refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher, stereo and televisions with a single dedicated lightning arrestor tied into your home's electrical panel. This simple, inexpensive device can save you thousands of dollars in the event your home is ever struck by lightning.

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Contact Information
Address:  444 Meadows Drive
Freeport IL, 61032
Phone:     815.233.1622
Fax:          (815) 599-0922